Picture Frame 2.0

Finally, I bought a large screen, convinced my wife and did it… but one after the other. I had an idea to place a large screen in the dining area to display our travel images, calendar information, time, and the weather… So after our travels, … Continue readingPicture Frame 2.0

New York City

Hi Folks, After the excellent Cisco GSX in Las Vegas, Franziska and I spent a week in NY-City. It was very different to the red canyons of the west! Sky scrapers, the metro, humid heat, lot’s of busy people… never the less we enjoyed the … Continue readingNew York City

Holiday in Hawaii

Franziska and myself had almost four weeks available to travel abroad. After playing about one hour with Google Earth, going back and forth between Australia, Hawaii and other fancy locations, we settled in on Hawaii and San Francisco. The first thing we did was going to … Continue readingHoliday in Hawaii